Friday, February 12, 2010

Lappy is a Pain

Got the desktop compy back. Hate the lappy. It bounces. It deletes. Hate it for typing.

Not sure that I like all the settings that the desktop has on it now. Just got it back from the computer repair. How's come it always acts up just prior to preparing taxes. Had to AGAIN replace the DVD drive. Now instead of two, I have just one working DVD drive. It just gets too expensive to keep replacing them over and over. The computer guys tried to talk hubby into purchasing an altogether NEW computer for the incredibly low price of $1100. my ass. I hate retrieving all the info off the old and putting it on the new one. I would rather limp the old one for a bit longer.

Lil Bit deliberately jumped out of the backseat window of the truck while I went for a latte this morning. With a vehicle oncoming, they stopped and BEEEEEEEEEPed (like I didn't see the dog jump out-duh) I threw the truck into park & jumped out for him. He did not seem to be injured - but I had not seen how he landed. On his butt? On his face? Poor little guy. Bud seemed oblivious to the activities going on. He was surprised that his friend had jumped! I found a little tiny scratch on Bit near his nose when we got home. Crazy dog.

Hubby's day off was Monday and he had to work on Saturday Feb 6. We drove over to Spoky-Jo to get my nails done. They are SHORT. Never had them this short. But - they will grow.

Am taking Celadrin for joint pain which seems to be Working!!!! I don't squeak in my knees & I can get around better. Also taking Biotin for my hair & nails and it also seems to be helping. My hair is healthier.

However, in the last week my teeth pain has gotten so bad that I was forced to go to the Dr. to get a prescription on Tuesday Feb 9 for pain medication & amoxicillin for the infection. I was going to call the Oral Surgeon to arrange an appointment but found out that those assholes at Verizon had CANCELLED my dental insurance when hubby changed positions in September. I have not had insurance since September. Dumb asses. After 1.5 hours on the phone and several transfers, hubby finally got somebody to reinstate me, but it is going to take a "week". With the onset of computers...why is it taking so long? Assholes.

When I went to check online today to see if they had corrected their computer error, I found out that instead they deleted hubby from dental insurance! Wonderful. Just peachy keen. Assholes.

Hubby had to take Mon 8 Feb, Tues 9 Feb & Wed 10 Feb off due to upper back/shoulder pain. He went into the Chiro on Monday & Wednesday. We also picked up dog food (our 12th bag which was FREE) *hubby's saying - "If it's FREE, it's for me!"

My clothes are all fitting better since I started eating healthier at the beginning of Jan! Can't wait for spring to be here to start biking again!

While in town, got gifts for the kid's birthday which is coming up on Valentine's Day. That was still the best Valentine's gift I ever received. My baby!

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