Sunday, May 24, 2009

Foster Mothering Day 6

We arose bright and early on Sunday as the alarm clock rang at 3AM for a kitten feed. I am thoroughly glad that I don't have to do this for a real child, as I won't be able to last much longer with these late night feeds.

I stumbled downstairs to get the milk warmed as the hubby got comfortable in a chair to feed the little bugger. Barely able to navigate the stairs again, I passed out on the bed hardly able to remember that I was supposed to be sleeping.

We arose for good at 7:30, got dressed for bike riding and went to Round Lake. It was flooded at the east end, so we could not do a full loop. It didn't really matter as we were both screaming in pain after 15 minutes. Obviously, we are not in as good condition as we were last year. I was surprised to find that even with all my elliptical exercising, I was barely able to make the first hill without my calves burning! Hope the mornings get warmer soon so that I can start up my 15 mile biking every day.

ChaChi made a brief visit around 10:00 as he is let loose from the wedded noose of matrimony for this holiday weekend. His spouse is visiting relatives and won't be back til Tuesday.

Packing up Bravo & Angus in the truck, we went into town for groceries at Wally-World; tools at Harbor Freight; burritos at Taco del Mar; and puppy baths at the Car/Dog Wash.

On our way back from Spoky-Jo, Bravo stood on my lap and stuck most of his body out the window as we were speeding down the backroad at about 55mph. I finally drug him in, advising - "mommy will not understand if you fall out of the truck on the interstate!"

Upon arrival at home, we fed the baby kitty yet again; unpacked groceries & misc. Let Isabelle & Harriet out to play; while Bravo & Angus made up in play for the time they had missed.

I am pleasantly tired by 9:30PM and am going to bed.

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