paper-foxy designs jewels of phoenix
valentine wired heart-khristy schmidt
It was mighty chilly last night here, attaining a cold 38F degrees. Brrr. Cold. Had to turn on the space heater in the bathroom. As our house is so well insulated (thanks to yours truly!), the tiny appliance pretty much kept the whole home warm.
While out biking today and taking a whole different route, I think I might have seen a ZEBRA. Or, I might have been hallucinating. Take your pick.
If I pass by that ranch again, I will endeavor to take a picture.What with the humpty-back camel and now the zebra, I have to wonder if I am living in Idaho or the Seregenti.
The wind was so blustery today that even when I was biking downhill and attempting to coast, I felt like I was hitting a brick wall. The wind nearly put me at a standstill. So it was a really good workout today.
Greg talked with his dad the other day. Did I tell you that? Whatever.
Anyway, Marv FORGOT that he could only have $100,000 in each account in order for the FDIC to insure the money. So he panicked when the news came out that a few banks were failing. Grandpa L ran to his phone and proceeded to re-distribute his wealth in various accounts.
Duh. Can he really be this DUMB?
I thought he had his accountant think about things like that.
Obviously, I was wrong in assuming that.
Wish he would hire ME as his accountant.
I'd give him bad advice (or NO advice in this case) just like that accountant
and still get paid $75K per year.
Washing the dog bedding today. Which royally pisses her off. She has to sleep on her bed with only her down comforter now. Poor little thing.
The vet reported that she lost 6 pounds and has 24 more to go.
When we went up to Sandpoint last night to get groceries, hubby stopped at Arby's to get Cheddar & Roast Beef sandwiches for her.
She only got 2 instead of all 4.
There were a couple neat things we found at the store the other day. One special thing for Matt, so we packed them up and should be ready to ship them out tomorrow. We are going to drop them off when we go on our bike ride along the Centennial Trail.
Hub is really getting into biking all of a sudden.
Just too bad I can't get him into motorcycling again.
We will probably have to pick up a bike trailer for Isabelle as she probably can't run that far along with us without having a heart attack~
I think it might be fun to take the dinner cruise on the St. Joe River when Kelsey comes back at the end of the month. It might be fun. Hope the weather stays pleasant until then.
Spoky-Jo Fair Sept 5-14
Brunch/Dinner Cruise on the River
Soldering Workshop in Portland, OR - Sept 30
Pick Up Kelsey's New Jeep
Ride the Route Of The Hiawatha Bike Trail
Thanksgiving at Grandpa L's in Tucson, AZ
1 comment:
Wait. Can I be your daughter too so I can get a new Jeep?!
(we've actually been looking - I currently drive a trailblazer, and JB a small compact car - anyway, wanting to up my mpg... am thinking either a Compass or Patriot. But then I flip and say I want a Saturn Vue - it's just too bad if JB is too tall for it. I don't want his stinky boy germs in my mini-SUV anyway ;))
Ok - so this yesterday (and this morning)... I'm doing the pregnant chick walk/slow jog/waddle on the tread mill - and I have my MP3 player on shuffle and Hate Me (by Blue Oct.) comes up and I think of YOU! (cuz a couple of years ago/last year/whatever - we agreed they were good music.) Anyway - my point. Both times they came up to play I thought of you... and wondered what YOUR playlist is in your current work out-frenzy.
So - what with your less cryptic-ness - I want you to spill. ;) I'm still sweating (now, more than ever - thanks Baby Rowdy) to She Wants Revenge, Shiny Toy Guns, Blue Oct., some Angles and Airwaves, etc etc.
Stuff that isn't TOO hateful (cuz I do have to be nice to my child when I'm done taking out my anger on the treadmill/bike - then weights at the gym.
Anyway - point being? I'm not sure. I still <3 you!
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