Wednesday, January 30, 2008

White Fluffy Cold Stuff

Yeah. I'm talkin' about snow. Lots of snow. Tons of snow. More snow than you could possibly imagine.

About 12 more inches fell on our heads today. With the added bonus of the electricity going out at noon. Oh joy (loud sarcastic sigh). I shoveled the deck off 4 times. Then the hubby-bubby came home at 2:30pm. The electricity came back on briefly for 5 minutes, but it went off again. So I called to reserve a room at the local Holiday Inn Express- ($106USD) Damned highway robbery. We could cancel by 6pm if we did not want it.

Hubby plowed the driveway. Pulled the truck up with the generator on it; but the generator didn't want to work. More curse words. So we decided to pack it in and go to the hotel. As the sun had already started to wane, I had to pack everything by flashlight. Once the flashlights died, I was out the door. It was by now we were driving out the driveway, hubby noticed that the yard light was on. Damn, Damn, Damn. Now it was too late to cancel the room and we were going to be charged even tho we didn’t need to go. That stupid electric co-op told Greg that they wouldn’t possibly have it back on until tomorrow Wednesday morning.

In addition, the news reported there are 3-4 more storm systems beginning Wednesday afternoon we are to get another 8-10 inches.

There's just no more room for any more snow.

1 comment:

jill said...

Yikes! We're in Salem OR and WE got snow which we hardly ever do. You're going to need a snorkle if it keeps up! Sorry about the motel thing. Hope you're going to continue your vacation journal. I'm waiting to hear about Paris!