My puppy is sick. She had a slight accident at our friends' house the other day. She has been generally sad...moping around and not her usual self. The hubby and I discussed it last night; the same symptoms as before-we suspected that she had another bladder infection.
I contacted our Veterinarian early this morning and rushed her into an 8:45AM appointment-along with the urine specimen in a Ziploc box that I had collected last night & stored in the refrigerator.
Sure enough, after checking her vitals & examining the sample, the doggie doc diagnosed another infection. We now have 3 weeks worth of pills that we are to dispense to her 3 times per day. Yep. That is 63 pills that I have to cram down her throat. Ucky-poo. NOT my favorite thing. She spits them up everytime. It is quite a fight between the two of us. She is determined not to take them. I am even more determined that she will swallow them.
Now, this is a dog that has toxic slobber. Her spit is more slippery than the Valdez Oil Spill; Grown men have slipped and fallen on her slobber in the middle of the Gobi Desert! And I have to open her mouth and stuff my whole hand down her throat! Even then, she usually manages to regurgitate the pill and we start all over again. The pill is hidden within a piece of cheese. Usually, I manage to close her mouth, and rub her softly along the throat while explaining quietly that these pills will make her feel better. But at the end of it all, I am left with a slimey, disgusting, smelly hand.
Oh, the joys of dog parenthood!
So sorry Izzy is sick and feeling that bad. :( I hope she gets well soon and realises that the pills will make her feel better so that it gets easier to give them to her. :(
Take care and best wishes. :O)
i am soooo glad you caught it early enough to treat!! i pray for Izzy's speedy recovery and an easier time swallowing pills :D Hugs to ya! Have a WONDERFUL day!
Sorry to hear about this. Our first dog was strange and we could toss her pills to her and she would jump up and swallow them whole. I think she thought they were treats.
Our current dog had recurrent bladder infections as a puppy (for 4 months!) and we went through lots of pills. Have you tried slathering them in peanut butter? We did this and put them in her mouth, as far back as possible, them gently held her muzzle closed and rubbed her throat softly. Who knows, just might work! Luckily they do grow out of this, so hang in there! :-)
I also wanted to say thank you, I'm downloading your filmstrips. :-)
So Sorry to hear about your puppy being sick!
Try this take 1/2 piece of bread & spread a fare amount of peanut butter on it but not to much, now put the pill on it & roll it up & give it to him!
Hope it helps! My Pom loves it this way!!!
Your dog is beautiful! My Rottweiler has had chronic bladder infections - no fun! But I cut a square of cheese, cut a slit in the middle, slide the big pill in, smoosh it together, and voila! She swallows it whole! This did NOT work with my cat who had to have two doses of thyroid medication daily for years - ouch! Jan J.
Izzi looks real sad on the beautiful pics, Tommie says hi and is sending her big slobbers !!
And I?? well, laughing for 15 minutes while reading you're - sad -but recognisable story of the slobbering, wrestling to get pills in the poor thing....
Lots of love and get well wishes from the other side of this planet..
Paula (and Tommie ofcourse)
It's funny, I guess it doesn't matter what size they are it still a pain to get them to comply! Mine only weight 4 lbs and we go though the same drill!
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