MARCH 1 2025
Up at 6AM. I got dressed. Went to make a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, tea for myself.
Let the dogs outside.
Hubby got up and fed the dogs.
Hubby made turkey bacon for me.
Hubby left for the shop in the Dually to meet a customer to pick up a rig. Hubby took Tater with him and loaded the trailer from Jose's yard.
I did bookwork. Paid bills.
At 8AM, Hubby returned to the house with the trailer. He had forgotten to take his phone.
I picked up dog poo.
Hubby sat with the dogs and I did more bookwork. I paid bills.
Dogtown called back and confirmed daycare for today.
The Rebate Check from Citibank FINALLY arrived via email and I printed it out. We are going shopping to Costco and will cash it there.
We loaded a pillow into the Dually, Put collars on dogs and loaded them into the truck.
Drove to St George.
We dropped off the dogs at Dogtown Day Care. Riley was really excited. Tater was barking as usual.
We drove to Beans & Brews. Parked the Dually & Trailer in the side lot. Went inside to order Hubby an iced latte.
Then Hubby has to pick up a UTV from Moto Zoo today. So we drove there. I waited outside for about 20 minutes while he took a employee and had to find the UTV we were picking up. Paid for it and loaded.
Then drove to the Industrial Units by the Airport and picked up AMMO at HSL Ammunition. They built a whole stand alone new huge facility and moved from near Costco. Purchased 1000s of rounds of AMMO.
We drove to Costco and stopped to get fuel. Then we parked and went inside to get groceries. Chicken meatballs, steak jerky, Clorox wipes, Dawn dishwashing liquid, Cascade Gel, Mini Babybels, String cheese, Chunk Tuna, Spam, Lysol spray, Canned Chicken, Glass spray, and a dog bed, stuffed toys for the dogs (Orca, Whale, Hammerhead Shark, Seahorse) they did NOT have the LLama.
We got in line and paid. Hubby went to the potty. Then we stopped at the front desk to get our Costco/Citibank Rewards. Hubby got paid in cash.
I went potty. Some old man was in the way when I went to the restroom and almost ran into me. He huffed and looked at me like I was a bug. Asshole.
Hubby stopped at the food court to get hot dogs and drinks. I took the cart and went thru the line. Met him outside.
We loaded groceries into Dually. Some young hispanic girl & a guy were trying to steal vehicles in the parking lot out where we parked across from the fueling area. We watched them, they came over and gave us a business card, I should have taken their pictures and turned them into Costco, but did not think of it until later. Instead of leaving business cards, they were trying to scan the door locks. Sneaky little assholes.
We left Costco and drove to get dogs.
Picked up dogs. Riley squealed. Gave them water. Gave them some of the jerky. I gave them some of my hot dog.
We drove home. Dogs slept. Tater was REALLY tired. Riley slept on the pillow in my lap.
At home, we unloaded the dogs. They had water, went potty. Then napped for the rest of the afternoon.
Unloaded groceries. Put everything away.
Watched TV. No popcorn. Need to get some.
Watched stupid movie that I had to pay for thru Amazon called Old Guy. It was supposed to be action movie, but it was SO FUCKING AWFUL BORING. AWFUL.
We went to bed at 10PM.