Thursday, March 06, 2025


MARCH 6 2025

Up at 6:30AM. I got dressed. Made the bed. 

Hubby had been up and let the dogs outside. He made breakfast for the dogs. 

I went to the kitchen to make hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, hot tea for myself. 

Hubby sat down on the sofa to watch YouTube videos. He had made himself a burrito. 

I sat down for a second and had a couple pieces of the turkey bacon that I warmed up.

I did bookwork. 

I cleaned up the kitchen.

Then I cleaned the bathroom floor because Tater made a mess when he went to drink. 

Hubby left for the shop at 8:45AM in the FMF.

I started the washing machine. I started the dishwasher. 

I vacuumed around the armoire. I had to clean the cat litter. I put some open container bath salts in the armoire because it STANK SO BAD.

I did bookwork. I paid bills. 


I walked down to the mailbox to pick up the mail. I picked up the neighbors' (Amy&Warren) recycling bin and put it in the front door entryway because it had blown down the street.

I picked up the mail and walked back home. I had gotten the black sweater I ordered from Amazon the other day, the VICTORY red lipstick & cake eyeliner from Besame. 

I walked back home and opened everything. 

I started the dryer again because the laundry was not dry.

I put away clean dishes. 

Yogi called and said that since it was raining, he wanted to re-schedule. He set the appointment for next Thursday at 3PM. 

I played Ball with Riley.

I put away clean clothes. 

I made stuffing. Our last bag. Then I put the stuffing in bacon and put the bacon-roll-ups into the oven for 35 minutes at 425 degrees.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025


MARCH 5 2025

Up at 6:30AM. I got dressed. Made the bed. 

Hubby had been up and let the dogs outside. He made breakfast for the dogs. 

I went to the kitchen to make hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, hot tea for myself. Hubby said he was driving to St George to drop off part to be worked on at Fleet Pride. He had to leave by 7PM. I got ready and we left with the dogs. 

We drove to St George. REALLY WINDY thru the Gorge. 

In St George, we dropped off the part at Fleet Pride with Riley, the tech.

We went over to the Convention Center to walk the dogs. There was an old man walking his little white dog. We tried to stay away from him.


Then Riley got spooked by a statute of two little kids sitting on a bench, reading a book. She pulled the leash out of my hands, broke my fingernail, and scratched my face. 


Tater pooped, I picked up Tater's poop, and we walked back to the Dually. Dogs drank water and we left.

Returned to Fleet Pride to pick up the part. Then we drove back to Mesquite.

Hubby stopped in Littlefield to pick up lottery tickets.

At home, Hubby dropped me off and drove to pick up a customer by 10AM. 

I went inside and made more hot tea. Let the dogs out for potty. 

I played Ball with Riley.

Dogs took naps. 

I did bookwork.

I put away clean dishes. I put away clean laundry.

At 1PM, I left the dogs at home and took the Jeep to Enliven and got my diet shot. Also purchased some hair growth serum that they recommended. 

I then drove to GS Nails and picked out colors for March. To celebrate St Patrick's Day. Andy put on five different colors. Andy's brother came into the shop and took money (for bills). I paid and left. 


(Andy's Mom was not there and I asked. He said that she had to return to Vietnam after only being back 2 weeks because his Dad's mother had died-they will be there another 4 weeks)

Hubby had called while I was at nails. He wanted me to pick him up at the Tire Store by Wendy's so I drove there. I picked him up. We ordered Wendy's for the guys & dogs. We had to return and he went inside because we did not receive 1/2 of our order. 

There was a busker playing guitar out front of the gas station. 

I drove back to the shop. Got up to 80mph on the on-ramp. 

Dropped Hubby off. I drove home.

Gave dogs the burgers. 

I took a nap from 4PM to 5PM. 

Hubby got home at 5PM. 

We watched TV. A couple new episodes of  Animal Control. 

Then I went to bed at 9PM after taking some Melatonin.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025


MARCH 4 2025

Tater was really kicking and whining while snoring last night. I had to comfort him several times. 

I was up at 5AM. I went to sleep on the sofa. 

At 5:30AM, I was up and let Riley outside for potty.

Hubby was up at 5:45AM with the dogs and let them outside for potty. 

Hubby fed the dogs breakfast. Then he made a burrito for himself. 

I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 



Riley & Tater came into the bedroom to play tug-of-war with their new Orca stuffed animal from Costco. 

I went to the kitchen to make a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, hot tea for myself.

Then I had a couple pieces of turkey bacon. 

Hubby sat down to watch YouTube videos on TV. 

I did bookwork. 

Went to the trash can outside and took the dog poo from in the back yard and cat poo that I had cleaned from the litter. Hubby put more litter in the box. 

I started laundry. Then I put laundry in dryer.

I cleaned the kitchen and put dishes in dishwasher. Started dishwasher. 

Hubby left at 8:30AM. I brought the garbage can inside the fence.

I did more bookwork. I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. 

I played Ball with Riley at 11AM. I warmed up some bacon stuffing roll-ups.

At 1PM, went outside and sat in the sunshine on the patio. Threw balls for Riley. Picked up dog poo.

Monday, March 03, 2025


MARCH 3 2025

I was woken at 1AM with intense cramps. Felt like death. I got up and went to take a hot bath. Took lots of aspirin. Then I got out of bath at 2AM. Sat on sofa for a while. Got up and took painkiller Gabapentin because the cramps came back. 

I fell asleep on the sofa finally. 

Hubby was up at 6AM with the dogs. Let them outside for potty. I got up at 6:15AM and made the bed. I feel like a zombie. 

My hair is still thinning. I think it is my Lupus & hormones as I age. Cut it all off & get a wig?

I made a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself. 

I did bookwork for a while. Then sat with Hubby to watch YouTube videos.

I went outside to pick up dog poo. 

The City of Mesquite was cutting the concrete side walk where it had heaved because of the ground disturbance around neighbor's property & our property. Hubby went outside to take pictures. 

Hubby got ready to leave. He cleaned cat litter. I had to clean on the floor where cats had stepped in poop and marked it on the floor everywhere. 

I vacuumed.

Hubby left for the shop at 8:30AM. It was very cool today. 50s & 60s so Tater stayed home and Hubby dressed in long jeans and a hoodie.

Hubby had unplugged my car from the charger and moved the FMF over so that I could leave for my diet shot today. 

I vacuumed around the armoire to clean cat litter. I vacuumed outside on the front door step because the entry way was full of junk from yesterday's big wind. 

I put out March decor. 

I did more bookwork. I put on shamrock earrings. 

I cleaned around the armoire. Some cat had peed behind it. I had to clean that up. Then I had to change the filter on the humidifier. IT WAS FULL OF DUST & DOG HAIR! I need to order another one. Or three.

Justin from Bulldog Pest Control came at 10:14AM to spray for bugs. 

I felt awful all day. No energy, Everything hurts. Inflammation. Hubby called at 2PM to find out if I wanted to ride with him to B&R Wrecking to pick up auto parts. I told him that I did not feel well enough to do this. 

Hubby left for Vegas at 3PM and was back by 5PM. He parked the Dually and trailer in the front of the yard. 

Very cloudy in mountains. Lots of snow afterwards. 


He made himself dinner. We watched DOC on Hulu TV. 

I took another hot bath and some Prednisone which I really hate doing, but the pain was so bad. 

I sat on the sofa for a while. Played ball with Riley. 

Went to bed at 11PM. Hubby came to bed with me after locking doors and filling the humidifier with more water. 

Then I finally took a Gabapentin before bed.

Sunday, March 02, 2025


MARCH 3 2025

Up at 6:30AM. Lupus flare, everything hurts. Especially my right side on neck. Can barely think. Difficult to concentrate. 

I got dressed and dogs greeted me good morning in the bathroom. 

Hubby made the bed. 

Hubby had already let the dogs out for potty and fed them. He had fed the cats tuna. 

I went to the kitchen to make a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself. 

Hubby warmed up turkey bacon in the air fryer for me. He also made chicken & potatoes on the grille outside. I think he will be making Spam out there, too. I told him he cannot make it in the house as I vomit at the smell.

Hubby cleaned cat litter. He put clean dog water out for dogs. 

Hubby sat down to watched YouTube automotive videos. 

I went outside to pick up dog poo. I put the large pot up outside that Tater knocked over. 

We sat outside for a while until the wind started. It was gusts of 50mph. Hubby had to go inside and raise the side patio screen. 

I used my grinder and got the dead skin off my feet, then I put on a foot balm and rubbed it in. 

We had to come inside because it was too windy outside.

Hubby watched Concrete Countertop videos on Youtube. 

At 11AM, I ordered Dominos pizza for the SPA. They delivered it at 1PM. 

I got changed, put together a bag and STILL forgot my thongs to wear in the shower. 

We left the dogs at home. Drove the FMF to Casablanca Spa. Changed and waited in the room. 

Got our massages from Raven and Kim. Gave them tips of $100 each; then gave them 2 Idaho Spud candy bars each. 

After we were done, we showered. Hubby paid. We left $20 tips in envelopes. 



Then we drove to the Shop and turned off the lights in the showroom. 

Drove to the movie theater because Hubby wanted Popcorn. 

Drove to Walmart (they had the entrance closed due to a water main break. 

Got groceries-milk, orange juice, lemonade, iced tea (all that Hubby likes to drink), coffee pods, carrots, green beans, broccoli, bacon (so Hubby can make bacon stuffing roll-ups), cookies. 

Had to check ourselves out; then we bagged everything. Took groceries to the car and loaded them. Drove home. 

At home, unloaded groceries and put them away. Let the dogs outside for potty. Gave the dogs some animal crackers. Hubby baked vegetables for the dogs. I made stuffing. Hubby made bacon stuffing roll ups. 

I played Ball with Riley.

We watched TV for a while. Went to bed at 10PM.

Saturday, March 01, 2025


MARCH 1 2025

Up at 6AM. I got dressed. Went to make a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, tea for myself.

Let the dogs outside. 

Hubby got up and fed the dogs. 

Hubby made turkey bacon for me. 

Hubby left for the shop in the Dually to meet a customer to pick up a rig. Hubby took Tater with him and loaded the trailer from Jose's yard.

I did bookwork. Paid bills. 

At 8AM, Hubby returned to the house with the trailer. He had forgotten to take his phone. 

I picked up dog poo. 

Hubby sat with the dogs and I did more bookwork. I paid bills. 

Dogtown called back and confirmed daycare for today.

The Rebate Check from Citibank FINALLY arrived via email and I printed it out. We are going shopping to Costco and will cash it there. 

We loaded a pillow into the Dually, Put collars on dogs and loaded them into the truck. 

Drove to St George. 

We dropped off the dogs at Dogtown Day Care. Riley was really excited. Tater was barking as usual.

We drove to Beans & Brews. Parked the Dually & Trailer in the side lot. Went inside to order Hubby an iced latte. 

Then Hubby has to pick up a UTV from Moto Zoo today. So we drove there. I waited outside for about 20 minutes while he took a employee and had to find the UTV we were picking up. Paid for it and loaded. 

Then drove to the Industrial Units by the Airport and picked up AMMO at HSL Ammunition. They built a whole stand alone new huge facility and moved from near Costco. Purchased 1000s of rounds of AMMO.

We drove to Costco and stopped to get fuel. Then we parked and went inside to get groceries. Chicken meatballs, steak jerky, Clorox wipes, Dawn dishwashing liquid, Cascade Gel, Mini Babybels, String cheese, Chunk Tuna, Spam, Lysol spray, Canned Chicken, Glass spray, and a dog bed, stuffed toys for the dogs (Orca, Whale, Hammerhead Shark, Seahorse) they did NOT have the LLama.

We got in line and paid. Hubby went to the potty. Then we stopped at the front desk to get our Costco/Citibank Rewards. Hubby got paid in cash. 

I went potty. Some old man was in the way when I went to the restroom and almost ran into me. He huffed and looked at me like I was a bug. Asshole.

Hubby stopped at the food court to get hot dogs and drinks. I took the cart and went thru the line. Met him outside. 

We loaded groceries into Dually. Some young hispanic girl & a guy were trying to steal vehicles in the parking lot out where we parked across from the fueling area. We watched them, they came over and gave us a business card, I should have taken their pictures and turned them into Costco, but did not think of it until later. Instead of leaving business cards, they were trying to scan the door locks. Sneaky little assholes.

We left Costco and drove to get dogs. 

Picked up dogs. Riley squealed. Gave them water. Gave them some of the jerky. I gave them some of my hot dog. 

We drove home. Dogs slept. Tater was REALLY tired. Riley slept on the pillow in my lap.

At home, we unloaded the dogs. They had water, went potty. Then napped for the rest of the afternoon.

Unloaded groceries. Put everything away. 

Watched TV. No popcorn. Need to get some. 

Watched stupid movie that I had to pay for thru Amazon called Old Guy. It was supposed to be action movie, but it was SO FUCKING AWFUL BORING. AWFUL. 

We went to bed at 10PM.

Friday, February 28, 2025


FEBRURAY 28 2025

Up at 4AM. All sweaty. Tater is pushing on my hip. I have Riley hair in my mouth. 

I went to the front bathroom to pee. Then I slept on the sofa in the living room.

Hubby got up with the dogs at 6AM and let them out for potty.

Hubby got on the phone with US Auto Force to get credit card info entered. He was on hold for 30 minutes, then had to get credit card info entered which required my help. Then he had to wait on hold for Customer Service Sales agent to enter his order. 


I went outside to pick up dog poo. 

I made a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby. Then I made hot tea for myself. 

Hubby fed the dogs. 

I made the bed. 

I did bookwork. 

We loaded the dogs into the Dually and drove to Enliven so I could get a diet shot, but they were CLOSED on Fridays. They have changed their hours again. So I will have to wait until next week to get a shot. 

So we drove to St George. Dropped the dogs off at Dogtown Doggy Daycare. Tater was barking. They both ran to the door. 

We went to St George Med Spa and I saw Sarah again. She is a nice girl. I got my underarms, chin, lip, and brazilian laser hair removal. She did it quite quickly. I gave her a $50 tip.

We drove around looking for food, not enough time to go anywhere. Skipped going to Costco except for gasoline. Not enough time to shop. 

Decided to eat sandwiches at Great Harvest Bread Company. Not bad. Hubby finished my sandwich. He ate too much. I stopped to get an oatmeal / chocolate chip cookie on the way out. It was good.


I got a Rook with pearls piercing and then two more Helix - red and blue piercings. I went in alone because Hubby was sick from lunch. He took a nap in the FMF and then came inside just as I was getting done. He had to go potty. 

I paid and gave the girl a $50 tip. She gave me a $10 off card for next time. 

We went to pick up the dogs at Doggy Day Care. 

Gave them water, snacks. Then we drove to Arby's and drove-thru; Hubby ordered 2 for $6.99 cheese roast beefs for them.

We started to drive home, then just before the gorge, we pulled off and gave them 1 burger. It was messy.

We stopped at Littlefield to get lottery tickets. I told Hubby to buy the winning one.

The dogs slept all the way home. Tater was sitting up on the back seat, but curled up and fell asleep. Riley was sleeping on the pillow in my lap.

At home, we unloaded and the dogs went inside. They got water, some more roast beef cheese sandwiches and then they napped for the rest of the night. 

I took a nap on the sofa because I was exhausted. 

I got up at 8PM and went to bed. 

Hubby stayed up to watch TV. Dogs came to bed with me. Hubby came to bed at 10PM.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


FEBRUARY 27 2025

Up at 6:30AM. Hubby took the dogs out for potty at 6AM.

I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 

Went to the kitchen to make hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, hot tea for myself.

I picked up dog poo.

Hubby fed the dogs and put tuna, cheese, and milk out for cats. Sage was especially hungry today and ate all her tuna. Licked the bowl clean.

Hubby sat on the sofa and watched YouTube videos.

Hubby cleaned the cat litter box while I vacuumed up around the armoire. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


FEBRUARY 26 2025

Up at 6AM. Hubby took the dogs out for potty.

I went to the sofa in the living room and slept another 30 minutes. 

Hubby fed the dogs and put tuna, cheese, and milk out for cats. Sage was especially hungry today and ate all her tuna. Licked the bowl clean.

Then I got up and dressed. Helped Hubby make the bed. 

I went to the kitchen to make a hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, a hot lavender/honey latte for myself.

Hubby cleaned the cat litter box while I vacuumed up around the armoire. 

Hubby put out the shower curtain, shower mat, and towel for Joe so he could take a shower. 

Joe finally came in at 8:15AM to take his shower, but then talked to Hubby some more. I finally called Hubby into the office to ask him a question and Joe finally took his shower. Hubby left at 8:30AM and Joe packed up his camper and left after that. 

Hubby took Tater to the shop with him. It is supposed to be 82F degrees today. What a winter!

I conditioned my hair. I picked up dog poo. 

I played Ball with Riley. 

I put out treats in puzzles for Riley.

I cleaned up the kitchen and started the dishwaher. Then I put away clean dishes. 

I started dirty clothes in washer and put them in dryer. Then I put away clean clothes. 

I rinsed my conditioner out at 1:30PM. 

I watched TV.



I did bookwork.

I played Ball with Riley.

Riley & I took a nap from 3PM to 5PM. I was exhausted.

Hubby & Tater got home about 5:30PM. He had to help Joe with his Jeep & truck repair. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


FEBRUARY 25 2025

Up at 6:30AM. Hubby took the dogs out for potty at 6AM.

I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 

Went to the kitchen to make hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby, hot tea for myself.

I picked up dog poo.

Hubby fed the dogs and put tuna, cheese, and milk out for cats. Sage was especially hungry today and ate all her tuna. Licked the bowl clean.

Hubby sat on the sofa and watched YouTube videos.

Hubby cleaned the cat litter box while I vacuumed up around the armoire. 

Hubby & Tater left for the shop at 8:30AM in the FMF. 

I stayed home with Riley. 

I had such a bad Lupus attack that I slept most of the day. Everything hurt. 

It was like living in sludge today. Could not think.

I played ball with Riley for a while. 

Hubby came home with Joe. They went out to dinner.

I went to bed early. 

Monday, February 24, 2025


FEBRUARY 24 2025

This month has just flown by and it is already almost the end. 

Hubby and dogs were up at 5AM to go out for potty. Then Hubby made them breakfast. 

I slept until 6:15AM and got up. Dressed. Went to the kitchen to make hot cinnamon/honey latte, hot tea for myself.

I did bookwork. Paid sales tax. 

Hubby put clothes in washer. I put clothes in dryer. 

I clean kitchen and put dishes in dishwasher.

Hubby left for the shop in the Dually at 8:30am. 

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. 

I picked up dog poo. 

I slept from 1PM to 3PM. 

Hubby still was not home at 4PM, so I called. Joe H had returned from his trip to Arizona, so he was at the shop. 

Hubby & Joe got home about 30 minutes later. 

They went out to eat. I stayed home with the dogs. 

Hubby & Joe came back at 7:15PM with milk from the store. 

I did bookwork.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


FEBRUARY 23 2025

All of us slept until 7AM. Hubby got up with the dogs at 7:15AM. Tater was nibbling on his camper blanket. Dogs went outside to potty. Riley was barking at Robert in the kitchen. 

Hubby let the dogs back inside. Then he made breakfast for them. Leftover Wendy's burger, a steak he had from Peggy Sue's last night, gravy, peas, carrots. The dogs really loved breakfast. Tater got it all over the floor; he growled at Riley when she came over to share his bowl.

Hubby gave Tater his morning pill. 

I made the bed. I got dressed. I made hot cinnamon/honey latte for Hubby. I made a hot lavender/honey latte for myself.

I took laundry to washer. 

I cleaned up the kitchen, loaded dishwasher, and started it. 

Hubby vacuumed floors at 9AM while I then steam cleaned the floors. I rested at 10AM. 

Hubby watched YouTube videos.

We sat on the patio the rest of the day. I played Ball with Riley. Looked at Instagram. Listened to music. 

At 3PM, we went inside to get ready for massage. Put everything away so Riley does not chew on stuff. Hubby put away clean clothes. I straightened my hair. In a bag, I put together the Easter candy that we purchased for Raven & Kim; and the Cat Fart coloring book that Joe had given me the other day. Raven can give it to Belle.

Hubby watched YouTube until we were ready to leave. 

I put Hubby's last minute laundry we washed into the dryer.

We put things away at 3:30PM then left in the Dually. Drove to Casablanca and got massages. 

After massages, we took showers, paid. Drove home. 

At home, let the dogs outside. I ordered pizza from Dominos. 


Ordered Dominos pizza. I was really hungry. Chicken for me & Hubby, cheese pizza, brownie.

Delivery was here 20 minutes later. 

I did not receive the bacon/tomato chicken. It was plain and a little bit spicy. I could not eat it. 

Hubby's buffalo chicken had tomatoes on it. 

I called and nicely explained; the guy on the phone said they would make it again and have it re-delivered. But then he called about 5 minutes later and said they had no tomatoes. So I told them not to bother and he told me that he would give me a credit for it. 

We watched TV and I went to bed at 9PM. Hubby stayed up snoring and watching TV until 11PM.